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Areas of Cultural Renewal

Cultural Renewal Through City Impact

Definition: Cultural renewal is about recovering the Biblical purposes of calling and vocation (see Gen. 1:26-28), so that our life and work glorifies God (Colossians 3:23, Ecclesiastes 9:10, I Corinthians 10:31), integrates our God-given gifts (Romans 12:3-8), desires, and abilities, and serves the common good (Jeremiah 29:4-7), in the places (industries, vocational fields, communities) God sends us.

What are the channels?

  1. Government
  2. Business
  3. Non-profit
  4. Healthcare
  5. Legal & Judicial
  6. Arts & Entertainment
  7. Media
  8. Education

Why equipping? Most of you are already thinking in this way as a convener. Several of the channels are already represented by positions on your teams. It will likely be most effective for you as the convener to "think through the lens" of cultural renewal as you lead, rather than to have one team member with the role of "channels of influence." With that in mind, we have changed the name of that role to "Faith and Work Coach" which will focus primarily on the channel of business. You may have seen major challenges in your cities related to some of these channels. The opportunity to add "at large" members to your team will help you address specific channels with greater focus.

Equipping will focus on understanding how your unique gifts and calling to this role connect with the Bible's view of culture and how the gospel can flow through channels of influence for the good of the city.

Points of Emphasis:

  1. Christian approaches to cultural influence
  2. Sin's impact on culture
  3. The Kingdom of God and Common Grace
  4. What does Renewal look like before Christ's return?
  5. Thinking strategically about influence in and through your city